Peanut Butter and Apple Smoothie Bowl

This post is created in partnership with Stemilt. Stemilt is a family-owned and operated fruit grower here in Washington State, dedicated to sustainability and social responsibility. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep the Flourishing Foodie delicious, and as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Five years ago, after a long and grueling hike through the mountains in Hawaii, tired and parched, I sat down on the bench at the end of the trail and spotted a small little hut in the distance. I walked over and noticed that they were selling fresh fruit and smoothie bowls. Smoothie bowl? I thought. What is a smoothie bowl? Eager to try this creation, I ordered an acai smoothie bowl with fresh fruit and granola on top. The smoothie was cold and creamy, sweet and tart. It was like a soft-serve ice cream crossed between a sorbet. The whole thing was perfect, but the fruit and granola on top was the icing on the cake. I left Hawaii dreaming about those fresh fruit smoothie bowls.

The following year, we booked another trip to Hawaii, and again, all I could think about was those beautifully colored smoothie bowls. I spent the whole trip sampling all the different flavors. I just couldn’t get enough! My love for smoothie bowls is intense, which is why I am so excited to be sharing this recipe fora peanut butter and apple smoothie bowl.

This one is slightly different from the tropical fruit variety they serve in Hawaii. For this recipe, I’ve used frozen banana, juicy sweet Stemilt Piñata apple, peanut butter, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, and Greek yogurt. These are the flavors I tend to crave this time of year. This smoothie bowl is thick and creamy and spiced with cinnamon and apple, my favorite winter flavors. I love topping my smoothie bowl with different nuts and fruits. A few favorite toppings are pecans, flax seeds, granola, and chopped apple. Smoothie bowls make the perfect breakfast or sweet treat,

Click here for the recipe.
