Baked Apple and Pecan Oatmeal


This post is created in partnership with Stemilt. Stemilt is a family-owned and operated fruit grower here in Washington State, dedicated to sustainability and social responsibility. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep the Flourishing Foodie delicious, and as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Have you ever tried baked oatmeal? It’s like combining an oatmeal cookie with oatmeal porridge. Besides toast, baked oatmeal is probably one of the easiest meals to prepare for breakfast. It also tastes as though you’ve been slaving over the stove for hours. It’s one of those meals that you can prepare beforehand and heat up the next day, or you can prepare it the day of, a half an hour or so before eating. It is very versatile. While my kids are still in bed, I like to slip downstairs to the kitchen for a few moments of quiet and prepare a pan of baked oatmeal. They are so impressed when they come downstairs, and I have a warm bowl of freshly baked oatmeal covered in maple syrup and milk. It’s so important to start the day with something delicious and wholesome.

When I think of baked oatmeal or any oat dish for that matter, I always associate it with maple, nuts, and apples. They are flavors that work so well together. I think that my love of baked apple crisp has permanently solidified the marriage between oats and apples so firmly in my mind that I really can’t come up with a better oat combination. I used the Stemilt Piñata® apple for this recipe because they do so well when baked. They become a little tender but mostly stay intact, leaving delicious juicy pieces of apple throughout the dish. The pecans add a nice crunch, and the maple adds a perfect amount of sweetness. I love this baked apple and pecan oatmeal for its delicious taste and simplicity. It’s warm and comforting, and the first thing I want to eat when I wake up in the morning. It’s also really healthy, which is a bonus!

Click here for the recipe.
